I realized while checking the website a little while ago that the most recent blog post was from before the shutdown (although I was still seeing emergencies that whole time). Just wanted to let you all know that we are in fact open- we reopened May 4th in fact- and most of you are overdue for your adjustment!
We certainly have had more time to reflect on what is important to us- I know that I miss seeing friends and actual people’s faces- not just the eyes! Groceries are important- especially tp and from what I hear paper towels are the new must have item. Time with family and friends. And your health- really your health is your wealth after all.
Please know that I wouldn’t still be here if it weren’t for the support of patients through this difficult time. I hope to stay open for a long time but I can’t do that without patients to fix- so please come visit or send your friends or family! I promise to take really good care of them. We are sanitizing things and surfaces like crazy around here, and I have been masking since the end of March.
Stay well, stay safe, stay healthy. We will make it to the other side of this at some point.